Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Research Planning Uop Res728

Research Planning Paper University of Phoenix – RES 728 Research Planning Paper Funding for domestic violence shelters in Sebastian County, Arkansas has decreased with the decline of the state’s economy beginning in 2010, when most manufacturing jobs were outsourced to foreign countries. Funding now primarily comes from private and non-profit sponsors and donors. This change in funding has brought about the need to be responsive to the wants and needs of not only the victims but also of the donors that provide the funding for the shelters.The expectations of the donors with regard to the role of paid employees referred to as advocates and the volunteers has also changed. The donors expect the advocates and volunteers to be on call 24 hours a day 7 days a week and the shelters’ executives have had to establish in written form the boundaries established for the role of employees and volunteers. The focus of this study will be the actual role of the employees and vo lunteers versus the perceived role of the employees and volunteers by the private and non-profit sponsors and donors.This study will require data to be gathered from all persons involved with the domestic violence shelters, which will include donors, executives, employees, and volunteers. The data that will be collected during this study will be relevant to the perceptions of the domestic violence shelters’ executives, employees, and volunteers’ role versus what the donors to the shelters perceive to be the roles of the people that work on either a paid or volunteer basis. The data collection methods will include participant observations, informal interviews, and open-ended questionnaires. Data Collection and Sampling StrategiesThe data will be collected during the annual fundraiser by observing the interactions of the donors with the executives, employees, and volunteers that are participating in the fund raiser. Observations of the way each cohort interacts with one another, whether there is respect shown toward the employees, volunteers, executives, and donors. According to Kawulich (2005), observations allow the researcher to see the nonverbal expressions, determine who interacts with whom, determine the manner in which communication takes place and to ascertain how much time is spent on the various interactions.Kawulich also posits that observation allows for the checking of definitions of certain terms used within the environment by the participants while also allowing the observation of the mannerisms of the participants that indicate their resolve not to be impolite, politically incorrect, or insensitive. The informal interviews according to Turner (2010), work well for the spontaneous generation of questions within the natural interaction that occurs with informal conversation. The informal interview will not have a predetermined number of or structure of questions.It is the feeling of Turner and this researcher that this would interfere with the flexibility and naturalness of the interviews. The main disadvantage to this method of data collection is the potential to stray from the research topic. The last method of data collection will be the use of open-ended questionnaires, which will have five questions for the participants to answer after receiving instruction about the data collection tool. According to Sapsford and Jupp (2006), the chief advantage of the questionnaire is that it can be administered to a group of people at the same time.Sapsford and Jupp posit that the main disadvantage to questionnaires is that some people will not return the questionnaire to the researcher. Data Management and Analysis According to Merriam (2009), the preferred method of data analysis is to perform the analysis during the data collection. Merriam posits that without ongoing analysis prevents confusion, inability to focus, and may allow the sheer volume of the data to become overwhelming for the researcher. Bogdan and Biklen (1998) as cited by Merriam (2009, p. 171) offer ten suggestions for analyzing data as it is collected.Those suggestions include: 1) Make decisions to narrow the study 2) Make decision about the type of study you want to accomplish 3) Develop analytic questions 4) Plan data collection sessions according to what was previously experienced 5) Record as many observer’s notes as possible as you go 6) Write memos to yourself about what you are learning 7) Try out ideas and themes on participants 8) Begin exploring the literature while in the field 9) Play with metaphors, analogies, and concepts 10) Use visual devices.Data collection and analysis could possibly go on forever but once the researcher has reached saturation or in other words, information starts repeating itself then the researcher knows it is time to stop the collection of data. Managing the data during the collection process requires that coding or the assignment of some sort of shorthand designation that will allow the researcher to find the information quickly and with ease (Merriam, 2009). Data analysis can be performed by hand by developing categories or themes for the data collected.Coding is the assignment of notations next to data as you read over the data. It is like marking in the side margin what you the researcher believes is potentially relevant to your research (Merriam, 2009). Assigning codes to the pieces of data is the way the researcher begins categorizing the data. This process is used for each set of data to be analyzed. Data analysis can also be performed with the use of modern technology such as the computer and software programs developed especially for qualitative data analysis such as CAQDAS (computer assisted qualitative data analysis software), MAXQDA, ATLAS. i, HyperRESEARCH and NVivo. Bazeley asserts that the use of technology for data analysis further than is possible when performing analysis by hand (2006). According to Leech and Onwuegbuzie (2007), CAQDAS programs provide an excellent tool for recording, storing, indexing, and sorting the voluminous data that are the hallmark of many qualitative research studies. Bazeley also posits that another advantage to using CAQDAS programs is that the programs can record all of the major analytic decisions that the researcher makes, which then leaves an audit trail.However, it is noted by Leech et al. , that even though programs can help the researcher analyze the data the program cannot analyze the data for the researcher. Denzin and Lincoln (2005) make the point that the researcher is still the main tool for analysis and the flexibility, creativity, insight, and intuition of the researcher should never be replaced by mechanical analysis of data. Conclusion The use of multiple data collection and analysis methods allows the researcher to use the strength of all chosen methods in order to get a better picture of what they are focusing on in the study.Using multiple qualitative data analysis tools can help researchers to address what Denzin and Lincoln (2005) refer to as the crisis of representation, namely, the difficulty in capturing lived experiences via text. Denzin and Lincoln posit that using multiple types of data collection and analysis makes the process of qualitative research more rigorous, which may make qualitative research even more popular than it has become. References Bazeley, P. (2006). The contribution of computer software to integrating qualitative and quantitative data and analyses.Research in the Schools,, 13(1), 64-74. Bogdan, R. C. , & Biklen, S. K. (1998). Qualitative research for education: An introduction to theory and methods. Bosston, MA: Allyn & Bacon. Denzin, N. K. a. L. , Y S. (2005). Introduction: The discipline and practice of qualitative research. In N. K. D. Y. S. Lincoln (Ed. ), The sage handbook of qualitative research (2nd ed. ). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications. Kawulich, B. B. (2005). Participant observation as a data collection method. Forum: Qualitative Social Research: Sozialforschung, 6(2). Leech, N. L. & Onwuegbuzie, A. J. (2005). Qualitative data analysis: Ways to improve accountability in qualitative research. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Montreal, Canada. Merriam, S. B. (2009). Qualitative research: A guide to design and implementation. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass. Sapsford, R. J. , V. (2006). Data Collection and Analysis (2nd ed. ). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications. Turner, D. W. , III. (2010). Qualitative interview design: A practical guide for novice investigators. The Qualitative Report, 15(3), 754-760.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Before and After the Cellphone Essay

Cellphones have gradually become an imperative part of peoples lives today. 70% of the world’s population have cellphones. These days, people and their mobile phones seem to be inseparable. Texting or calling someone when we wake up has become a usual habit just like brushing our teeth in the morning. For many of us, it’s hard to imagine a time before cellphones. Having a cellphone has changed our manners, the way we communicate, and our safety. Before cellphones there seemed to be more peace and quite. People seemed to have manners. Today people don’t always remember their manners when using their cellphones. People constantly carrying on personal conversations in a public place can be very annoying. Some people talk really loud and don’t care that everyone around them can hear every word they are saying. It can be extremely disturbing to someone when they are walking in a mall or down a street and someone starts speaking right beside or behind them. They turn to respond, only to find out he or she beside them has an earbud active. Before we had cellphones people would actually write letters. During my elementary school days it was â€Å"cool† to pass notes. We actually used complete sentences and words that were in the dictionary. Also before cellphones if someone was to leave the house, they didn’t make a phone call unless they popped 10 cents into a pay phone. People never received any calls away from home. People actually had to be out of touch with friends and family when they weren’t at home. Now that we have cell phones letters are rarely sent. Today note passing is rare. If kids want to communicate during school they simply just shoot each other a text message. Also, today if someone is to leave the house, making a phone call is easy. With a quick dial on a cellphone people can make a call at any time. Cellphones have not only changed the way we communicate but they have changed our safety. Texting and driving has become common and has caused many deaths in the United States. It was reported in 2005 that cellphone distraction causes 2,600 deaths and 330,000 injuries in the United States every year. Another safety issue with cellphones is privacy. Say someone’s at an airport, or on the bus. Several people are on their cellphones, some talking business, and others talking about personal information. Any information shared has now become available to anyone else who might have been around to hear their phone call. Others may now know their address, information about their family, or financial records. Before cellphones life were more safe. Before cell phones people didn’t have to constantly worry about someone overhearing their conversation. Also people didn’t have to worry about others driving them off the road because of the careless mistake of texting while driving. The cellphone is loved by many and hated by the few for ruining society. Although cellphones have changed society I have a hard time imagining my life without one. Cellphones have had a major impact on our lives and have vastly changed our manners, the way we communicate and our safety. Many of these changes are apparent, while others we may not even be aware of.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Macroeconomics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 5

Macroeconomics - Essay Example While this was unfavourable for many investors who had invested in treasury bills, it provided an opportunity for investment banks to borrow money at this low interest rate and invest in real estate industry where they would get good returns. In this case, the bank would turn the borrowed money into securities which it would sell to home owners and get regular payments from all those mortgages. Initially, this turned out to be a highly profitable venture for both the lenders and the banks with up to 10% return on investment. However, with time most people who could afford a mortgage had taken one and this caused a reduction in the number of new mortgage applicants. This compelled the banks to open up the mortgages to other potential home owners by removing all restrictions on securities. This encouraged many home owners to take up mortgages. Unfortunately, many could not afford to repay the mortgages. This led to a high number of defaulters and higher-than-expected home foreclosure rates. Suddenly, there were too many homes up for sale in the market which exceeded the demand thereby resulting in a decline in the home value. The financial market had a major role to play in the 2007 great recession. First, the low interest rates offered by the central bank in response to the 9/11 tragedy fuelled the already rising housing bubble by the sub-prime mortgages and the related derivatives. In addition, the absence of regulation of the financial institutions involved in the sub-prime mortgage lending led to unprecedented growth of the real estate market and so did fraud. The bursting of the housing bubble led to meltdown of the three principal derivative securities that had guarded the industry, namely Collateralized Debt Obligation (CDO), Mortgage Backed Securities (MBS) and Credit Default Swap (CDS) which eventually paralyzed the very supple and resilient financial market with its spill over into the entire

Sunday, July 28, 2019

What does David Miller mean by nationality What kind of nationality Essay

What does David Miller mean by nationality What kind of nationality does he support, and how far should we accept his views - Essay Example In this essay, I intend to discuss the implications of the concept of nationality as espoused by David Miller, and how it affects the modern economic and social environment of a country. I will use evidence as well as theories and opinions of other scholars to establish that David Miller’s concept of nationality cannot be acceptable in its entirety in the modern times. According to Miller, the idea of nationality comprises of a state that has claim to political determination and which is also ethical in nature1. The concept of an ethical nation is based on Miller’s presumption that justice is a pluralistic concept and it should be understood and practiced in the context of the situation. For an ethical nation, it is believed that social solidarity is the underlying justice principle, as this emulates the justice system of community level living, only on a much larger scale2. A community is tasked with ensuring that all members’ needs are met and that there is fairness in distribution of resources according to each individual’s need. Similarly, an ethical nation is the one that has a social welfare system aimed at providing facilities and resources to people who need it and cannot afford it otherwise owing to economic inequalities. In addition, Miller also contends that there is a need for affirmative action and active income re distribution to bring down the social and income disparities. According to him, nationality would mean that people should have a greater sympathy and willingness to help their co-nationals than they are with respect to the general humanity3. The concept of Miller’s nationality is an idealistic one as he seems to have over-simplified both the theoretical underpinnings as well as the practical implications of his theory. He uses the concept of nationality to mean support for a welfare state on the premise that a welfare state is the apt solution to ensuring justice. According to him, this justice is pluralistic and varied and depends on what is the context of the situation. His conclusion that a welfare state is the ultimate manifestation of justice is not supported by any empirical or factual information. He does not elaborate why any other approach to justice is not suitable for a nation, or how the welfare state metes out justice to the numerous and diverse sections of the s ociety4. The fact that pluralistic justice is given importance by Miller himself further traps him into detailing why he proposes only a welfare state as an ethical state, and why nationality should require a support for such a state alone. Next, the concept of nationality as envisioned by Miller is also contrary to the dynamics of a free market and freedom of opportunity – ideals that are incorporated in democratic states in the free world. For example, the notion of welfare state is based on the premise that the rich and the well-off people need to compensate for the poor who do not have the means or opportunities5. In order to maintain a welfare state, a differential tax system is employed which can be akin to penalizing the achievers and the rich people for their growth and progress. This inherently appears to be at cross-purposes to the free market concepts and the individual freedom to earn and self-determination. Also, it is also debatable that to what extent the conce pt of nationality should be used to support the welfare state. It is proposed by Miller that nationalism and citizenship should bring the onus of welfare and support to

Saturday, July 27, 2019

M&M Project Report Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

M&M Project Report - Research Paper Example The objective of this report is to write in a layman’s language, all the parts involved in the M&M project. The report will lead to an explanation of what was done in each part, as well as the result. Presentation of the data and the results will be on an excel worksheet. Part three will involves analysis through construction of confidence interval to find out the distribution of candies per bag as well as the proportion for each color, and then recording of the results in an excel worksheet. Different claims of color proportions will be tested in the fourth part. Finally, the claim there is no difference between the number of brown and red candies will be tested in part five. Introduction: M&M Project Report The purpose of this report is to explain what was done in each part of the M&M project, as well as analyzing the results. In addition, the report will lead to investigation of quality control. The five parts of the project included sampling method, the sample mean and pro portion, testing of different M&M candies’ claims, and using 95% confidence interval to do testing. In the end, the report will lead to a better understanding of the process and methods of packaging M&M candies. M&M candies were randomly obtained from different stores. A random sample was used to make sure that the sample was a true representative of the entire population. The population here means a collection of all the subjects that are to be studied – all the M&M candies for that matter. Different colors in each bag were counted and recorded in an excel work sheet. ... On the other hand, the number of candies per bag will use the data in the bag column. To obtain the proportion for any color, the number of candies for that particular color will be divided by the total number of candies. A separate excel sheet will be used to create a histogram for the number of candies per bag. The descriptive statistics for the total number of candies per bag will be computed in another sheet. The summary of all the important information will be made in another worksheet titled â€Å"Part 2 Summary." The descriptive statistics and the summary were as follows: Table 1: Descriptive statistics Num. of Candies in Bag    Mean 56.02222

Friday, July 26, 2019

Integration of Motivational Interviewing and Cognitive Behavioural Essay

Integration of Motivational Interviewing and Cognitive Behavioural Therapy for the treatment of Depression - Essay Example During her late twenties, Kate was easily fatigued even when she was resting. She experienced fatigue even when she had slept for more hours than she was used to there before. At twenty-nine, she could barely do anything as she had decreased body energy. This made her skip even the basic chores at her home and threatening her career. Her parent having noticed the problem she was undergoing decided to take to the hospital where she was hospitalized for a severe case of depression. She was treated extensively with pharmacotherapy and psychotherapy for over few years (NYU Langone, n.d.). At the age of 35, Kate expressed persistent attitude signs and a serious cognitive dysfunction. For the next three years, Kate underwent several medication from MRI testing, EEG, sleep studies and several neuropsychological testing. All of the medication that Kate underwent were not successful until she was thirty-eight years old. She diagnosed with a neurological disease known as Lyme disease at 38 years. However, after diagnose she was treated by antibiotics and other over-the-counter drugs supplements. This did not help her even after being treated with transcranial magnetic stimulation and hyperbaric oxygen. Having undergone through medication for over ten years without signs and indication of improvement, she quit medication and all another psychotherapy. She resulted to neuropsychiatric remedies and sought help from Scott Hirsch, a professor of psychiatry and neurology at Langone Medical Center (NYU Langone, n.d.). The patient was so anxious and hopeless because her problem had persisted to her old age and affected all her dreams in life. Though she demonstrated a high level of intelligence, she had slowed response to actions. Doctors conducted segmental neurological diagnoses, but there were no signs of dyskinesia, myoclonus and tics (NYU Langone, n.d.). The patient though exhibiting cognitive symptoms no neuropsychological clinical analysis indicated that

Taking a Stand Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Taking a Stand - Research Paper Example This leaves students and lower level employees prone to bullying tactics such as being used as personal slaves by physicians or senior nurses ridicule and humiliate students in front of their colleagues and patients as well. Such bullying tactics differ with extremity depending on the organizational setup. There is a need for a moral agent within healthcare, among nurses since if this role is not fulfilled some of the detrimental effects include deflating of self-esteem which may disrupt their pursuit of the profession, low morale leading to employee turnover, absenteeism and low productivity affecting performance; all of which directly influence the success of the organization. Worse still, in some cases, the organization may end up incurring litigation fees, making out early retirement payouts, counseling fees for workers and compensation of workers. Therefore, it is apparent that individuals practicing nursing should take up the challenge of being the moral agent. Where they stand up and defend people being bullied, or if the one facing the bullying taking a firm stand regardless of the alienating position it leaves one in. It is unfortunate that there is no specific legal action open to majority of the bullying tactics present in the workplace. However, there are some laws under the Civil Rights Act and the Occupational Health and Safety Act that can be applied to certain scenarios if a protected class such as from a certain ethnicity is violated and if safety and healthful conditions are not met, respectively (Niles, 2012). As a moral advocate against aggression at the workplace, I would begin by informing fellow employees on the options open to them if they face any bullying. This would create a feeling of empowerment and confidence while carrying out their clinical duties and seeking knowledge from their seniors. Secondly, I would approach a senior physician and ask them to support my endeavor when I approach physicians to urge them to refrain from and w arn them about bullying through abuse of power or any other tactic. In order to get cooperation, I would educate the senior level nurses and physicians on the impact of bullying (Daly, Speedy and Jackson, 2003). By relaying this information, I believe it will create understanding on why it is important that any form of bullying be shunned and where one witnesses it, they should not tolerate it by merely standing by but instead rebuke the offender and support the victim. Thirdly, I would come up with a clear framework that defines what counts as bullying so as to avoid cases of misunderstanding. This would be contained in a document and placed in strategic positions within the hospital so that everyone can be informed and that no excuses of ignorance are allowed. Lastly and most importantly, I would encourage senior nurses to take up the role of mentors so as to support nursing students as this will not only benefit the students but will give them an opportunity to develop and nurtur e leadership skills, critical in advancing their careers (Randle, 2006). Concurrently, I would seek a concrete title that attracts attention from employees but does not deter low-level group from freely approaching me. This would ensure the position takes on a permanent standing within the organization, so that even upon my departure it continues

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Titled Modern Portfolio Theory or Investment Management Essay

Titled Modern Portfolio Theory or Investment Management - Essay Example Thus, a portfolio may be defined as a combination of securities with varying risk and return characteristics which in turn contribute to the net worth of the investor. (Swisher, 2005) The topic of discussion in this paper is Modern Portfolio Theory or Investment Theory, which may be defined as the concepts that revolve around educating an investor regarding the steps that must be taken in order to develop a portfolio that will speak of rational choices and optimisation of financial resources. Before going any further, it is imperative to point out that investement brings a certain degree of speculation, especially in today's economic scenario where there has been a boom in the information transmission trends due to an increase in the number of people from various quarters flocking towards investing in portfolios. This paper will endeavor to study modern portfolio theory (MPT), in terms of its various elements like Markowitz diversification, the efficient frontier as well as concepts like the Capital Asset Pricing Model, better known as CAPM. The tools used in the course of application of these concepts include the Capital Market Line and the Security Market Line apart from alpha and beta coefficients which help measure mean, variance, risk and returns of the portfolio as a whole. To begin with, the paper will introduce the Modern Portfolio Theory as propounded by Harry Markowitz in the early 1950s, before moving on towards defining the elements like beta, risk and return that are concerned with the various concepts of Modern Portfolio like diversification and Capital Asset Pricing Model or CAPM. (Swisher, 2005) The intorduction of the key elements before discussing and analysing the actual concepts has been carried out so as to ensure that there is full understanding of the tools that will be used in the study of the Modern Portfolio Theory. The paper will progress through a series of headings that are relevant to introduce new topics. These topics are linked with each other through the tools like beta, risk, return, mean and variance, among others. There will illustrations in terms of formulae and diagrams for all sections of the paper. Markowitz and Modern Portfolio Theory Modern Portfolio Theory has come up a practical model for the measurement of the various trends affecting the portfolio market. As a body of concepts and tools, it is concerned with the identification of markets that have high return potential and those which have a heavy risk factor, so as to help the investor choose more wisely. At the same time, the modern portfolio theory also brings us face to face with the fact that it is equally concerned with varying combinations of assets to zero in on the favourable markets and customers. (Markowitz, 1952) Born in the year 1952, the modern portfolio theory was the brainchild of Harry Markowitz who recognised the need for a certain set of parameters within which the obvious diversification trends may be

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

US policy towards Latin America after the cold war Essay

US policy towards Latin America after the cold war - Essay Example In 1947 the Truman Doctrine forever changed America's foreign policy from an isolationist one to a more active policy of involvement with other countries in order to curb what they perceived as a Communist threat to the world and hence their own democratic stability.The United States fear of communist dominance has a direct bearing on the policy they adopted towards Latin American countries. The Truman policy was directly responsible for establishing the Cold War, and then the focus of the policy was the prevention of the rise of Communism. This has especial relevance in the context of its policy towards Latin America. During the Cold War years, the United States adopted a very aggressive interference in Latin American affairs in its attempt to weed out communism. In the Post Cold War years though, the policy while still against the influence of Communism, has softened considerably and has shifted focus to stabilizing countries democratically and economically - a result of understand ing that the spread of Communism arises from poverty and exploitation.The thrust of American policy concerning Latin America can broadly be divided into four areas: democratic stabilization, free trade and the economic opportunities it offers, the immigration problem and the war on drugs.Democratic stabilization is a key focus in America's policy. Originating from the desire to stop the spread of Communism, the U.S.A has, since the Cold war, focused on helping to stabilize democracies, which they feel are better alternatives and which do not threaten the U.S.' own security. A notable example is their support of the Mesa government in Bolivia and Enrique Bolanos' presidency in Nicaragua (Roger Noriega). However, despite the fact that their support for democracy is well intentioned, the failure of the Mesa administration in Bolivia (culminating in his resignation in 2005) highlights the fact that while democracy is a good thing, the U.S. needs to focus also on the effectiveness of the governments they choose to support, and the government's ability to handle the political and economic situation of the country. The U.S. has always publicly stated their support for democratic protestors in Cuba as well, and promised support in the event of a democratic revolution. This sort of heavy handed "Big Brothering" has also caused much resentment as the people of that country feel that the U.S is really disguising its dictatorship in the form of aid. Venezuela's Chavez has vehemently refused to accept any of U.S aid with the inevitable strings attached to it. Stemming from their support of democracy also came the realization that democracies, no matter how well intentioned, could not effectively stabilize a country unless it was economically stable as well. The majority of Latin American countries are impoverished and this is a vital cause of political instability and also revolution. Thus the second focus of policy on increasing Free trade. Free trade would open up economic opportunities and make available goods and services to economically challenged regions without the stifling taxes and tariffs imposed. LatinAmerica has been important to the U.S. in this regard as it is a major importer of American goods and services. Many raw materials are also sourced from the Latin countries. ( However protectionism has been a problem with many Latin countries, as well as with America. The grumbles on outsourcing by U.S. politicians have severely affected free trade agreements with Latin countries, and in t he case of Mexico stalled the NAFTA act for a while. However the passing of NAFTA, finally meant the lowering of tariffs on many aspects -vehicles, textiles, computers etc. Investment restrictions also eased. By advocating free trade the economic restrictions lessen and the opportunities for growth open up. There is scope for employment and a better standard of life. The U.S. focus on this aspect has therefore also helped them to address another

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

International Economics - Mexico Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

International Economics - Mexico - Essay Example This means that the production continues to fall by close to 25% across the previous ten years (Sverdrup 123). Mexico recently built its infrastructure for purposes of enhancing trade. In 2012, the trade cartels in the Mexican telecommunications industry were among the individuals in the world. However, their undertakings are nearly monopolies as they control close to 70% mobile phones, 70% broadband and 80% home phone lines. There are recent concerns that the lack of competition which continues to hamper growth. The levels of mobile-phone penetration across Mexico are only 85% which are similar to Iraq while the fast broadband connection costs are double those in Chile. Mexico's culture and economy are continually changing. For many years the economy of Mexico under-performed that of Brazil, but it has grown faster in the past year. Most Americans keep worrying about the illegal immigration even though Mexico needs to actually gain immigrants by itself. By facts, the birth rate of t he country is trending downwards and could soon be way below that of the U.S. on this case, the violence linked to drug cartels is still upheld while Mexico is regarded to as a critical underground trade route for U.S. addicts (Leoce 29). In the last decade, Mexico’s priorities included upholding legal institutions, protecting the environment, providing better healthcare and improving the economic competitiveness of the country. This is also evidenced by the insuring of public security like military sweeps in cracking down the levels of organized crime as well as the corrupt local police. Part of these, the hunt for the drug cartels became most controversial. It also amounted to all-out war where there were increased levels of violence such as retaliation of the civilians by such cartels. Most Mexicans blamed the government for increasing violence and upsetting the cartels. There were a number of challenges facing Mexico's economy in the long run. The economy faced challenges such as the engraved need to modernize the labor and tax system laws, upgrade schools, health care services and roads as well as privatize the oil industry. These were expected to happen prior the foreign investors help in the extraction of more oil. However, it deprived the Mexican government more revenue (Sverdrup 73). Researchers have realized that Mexican research and development expenditure, skilled labor availability and the patents issued were radical indicators of various technological leadership ends that enabled the country to continue producing a comprehensive stretch of such technological innovations while still having found that such technology leaders focused on exporting hi-tech products and receiving imports of products of more standard. The Mexican peso crisis and international effects In the 1988 – 1994 term of the Salinas presidency in Mexico, the overall GDP growth was at an average of 3.3% annually which was a number exceeding the population growth rate (at 2%). However, it fell almost immediately for the other poor and developing countries. Even though the growth turned to be lagging behind at the pace of subsequent emerging markets, the Mexican politicians became even more willing to detail rapid economic expansion in terms of stability (Villareal 11). The new and almost stable element in this case had the Mexican economy entering 1994 with diverse

Monday, July 22, 2019

Hokule’a’s Symbolic Wake Essay Example for Free

Hokule’a’s Symbolic Wake Essay In 1976, the Hokule’a began her maiden voyage from Hawaii to Tahiti as little more than a double-haul canoe with an astoundingly religious construction. Though her size can be compared to just that of one of the Titanic’s life boats (at just 60 feet), her message is much more profound and the cultural path significant indeed. To the people of Hawaii, the building of a canoe isn’t just wood, sweat, and able axe work. In fact, that’s the least of what comprises the construction of a voyaging canoe. Turns out, for Hawaiians, the building of such a canoe like the Hokule’a is a deeply religious experience and is only attempted by master builders who understand the creed that â€Å"every canoe began with a prayer and a dream† (Friends of Hokule’a and Hawai’iloa). As the story goes, â€Å"before the canoe builder began he first prepared a pig, a red fish and a black fish and offered them to the gods† (Friends). After that, â€Å"the carver went home and invited dreams in his sleep. If the dreams were good he would go to the forest the next day. But if they were unfavorable, a tree would not be cut† (Friends). It is through this experience, every time a canoe is to be built, that the Hawaiians believe the canoe gains its spirit. And without this ritual, the canoe would be little more than wood floating on water and a significant part of the culture would be lost. It is that very fear that prompted the establishment of the Friends of Hokule’a and Hawai’iloa in 1996 â€Å"by master canoe builder, Wright Bowman Jr. , who was concerned that the art of canoe building would be lost†¦[and to ensure] that the traditional canoe building skills be made accessible to any who are interested in learning† (Friends). Originally, the Hokule’a was set out on a mission to prove that there was much to discover in and around Polynesia and has in the past thirty one years visited as far as New Zealand and Easter Island (Honolulu Advertiser). Her first trips could be compared to that of Christopher Columbus because though they were not backed by the crown and the Hawaiians had a much better sense of direction, the motive for discovery was fueled by the interests. That to know and understand the seas around them. In truth, â€Å"Polynesia began with the voyaging canoe. More than three thousand years ago, the uninhabited islands of Samoa and Tonga were settled by a seafaring people† (Friends). Moreover, using only small voyaging groups in canoes, â€Å"they continued to discover new lands as they explored eastward. Long before ocean exploration by Europeans, the early Polynesians had mastered boat building and navigation† (Friends). And, in an ironic twist, while the Hokule’a may be considered a deeply religious masterpiece, she is nearly completely modernized and outfitted with a navigational system laughed at and â€Å"rejected by European analysts† (Honolulu Advertiser). It could be concluded, here, that while the Europeans believed they had the golden ticket to sea discovery, the Polynesians (and modern Hawaiians) had an innate sense and skill for the activity as well. Hawaiians kept the culture of boat building firmly within their veins, and like any other people with a successful history, used the same methods of travel to do so, even initiating the growing mission of the Polynesian Voyaging Society, â€Å"now altered from one of discovery to education [as they now use] the canoe as a platform to excite Hawaii’s children about learning [about] their environment and culture† (Friends). The deep history of the Hokule’a helps build this platform as well as any cultural epicenter of a civilization, but the fact that the canoe remains on the open water (barring hurricanes or nasty tsunamis, of course) serves to perpetuate the desire to retain the Hokule’a as a cultural icon better than any fireside fable ever could. In fact, a new canoe was even born from the craftsmanship and lore of the Hokule’a, the Hawai’iloa, in 1991 which demonstrated, on a spiritual and traditional level, the profound importance of the Hokule’a’s first voyage. It is said that â€Å"these magnificent canoes tell the story of the lives and travels of the crewmembers and builders who worked them. The spiritual power, mana, of the canoes is preserved with the skilled hands of master canoe builders† (Friends). The Hokule’a has even done much for pioneering programs to get children interested in education, navigation, and sea discovery through the efforts of the Polynesian Voyaging Society (Honolulu Advertiser). In the last few years, programs like the non-profit Aloha Medical Mission have combined forces with the Polynesian Voyaging Society to bring healthcare to Micronesia (KHNL 8). Moreover, if the Hokule’a continues to voyage across the seas in discovery and efforts of education, only the spirit of the canoe could guess at the cultural symbolism left in her wake. What began as a voyaging expedition three thousand years ago can now be seen as one of the single most religious and cultural experiences of Hawaii as the Hokule’a spreads her mast and travels the islands with the ease of any modern European vessel. Works Cited Friends of Hokule’a and Hawai’iloa. â€Å"Our Legacy. † Accessed June 14, 2007. http://fhh-hawaii. org/legacy. shtml Honolulu Advertiser. â€Å"Hokule’a Forced to Delay Voyage. † News, August 30, 2003. http://the. honoluluadvertiser. com/article/2003/Aug/30/ln/ln09a. html KHNL 8. â€Å"Hawaii Doctors Partner with Hokule’a, Bringing Healthcare to Micronesia. † News, February 19, 2007. http://www. khnl. com/Global/story. asp? S=6104556

The problem of Gun control in America

The problem of Gun control in America This is an ever growing problem of violence faces Americans. The streets are becoming a battleground where individuals are been beaten for their belongings, women are terrified and viciously attacked and raped, teenage gangsters are shooting it out for a patch of territories to sell their illegal drugs, and innocent children are been caught every day in the crossfire of drive by shootings which end up in seriously injured or die. Society cannot look the other way and ignore the damage that these criminals do to the society, and people must take appropriate actions to try to stop these horrors. This paper will analyze different aspect of this problem the nation is facing. Gun control may be called the acid test of liberalism. All liberals who call or think themselves as the true one must favor stricter gun controls. After all, does the United States of America have the most heavily armed population on the earth? Is the United States of America the worlds most violent people? Surely, these facts must be at least casually connected. Therefore the apparently desperate need to do something about the vast quantity of firearms and firearms abuse is a major concern. Guns are been used in an enormous number of crimes in this country. In other places in the world with stricter gun laws, gun crimes are rare. Many of the firearms or weapons involved in crime are cheap handguns, and sometime called Saturday night specials for which there is no legitimate use or need. The public is deeply concerned on the issue of gun control; anti-gun control activists believe or think that it is each and every Americans individual right to bear arms. The Second Amendment to the Constitution proves that the people have a choice to own weapons. A well-regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a Free State, and it is the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed. Advocates of gun control said that even with multiple gun control laws already in existence, the serious problems are due to firearm misuse each and every day. Furthermore, the controls that have been designed have not been sufficiently effective or progress. Therefore, those who favor gun controllers argue, we need more uniform into the legislation, more extensive gun controls, and effective enforcement. Various pro-gun control organizations argue on methods of gun control needed. For more examples, there are individuals who would ban all weapons as well as those who take a less radical stand and who would simply increase the controls on firearms. The moderate gun control individuals or groups propose measures such as requiring an individual to successfully complete weapons safety course before being allowed to possess a gun or the individuals have to wait for a mandatory period of time before taking possession of a gun. Today, there maybe over more 20,000 different gun control laws in existence, ranging from those enacted by counties and states, and to those enacted by the federal government. When gun control is ineffective and tougher sentencing of criminals or offenders and stricter parole policies should do far more to combat crime. Statistics prove that Canada has less violent than the United States. Fewer weapons are only part of the story. The inner city slums of the United States of America are murderous, and bombed out looking places. When Americans visit Canadas big cities, they often ask where the bad individuals are. The answer usually is, there really arent any slums, because the lack of violence there reflects it. According to the Economist magazine, blacks are 12% of the United States population, and account for 48% of murders, mostly because the inner city blacks are killing one another. Most of these guns were not purchased from retail gun stores. Gun laws will not keep guns out of these ghettos (The Economist, 1993). One of the founding fathers included Second Amendment from the Constitution, because it was made very aware of the fact that there might once again come a time when American citizens would have to fight for their freedom. Of course guns fall in the wrong hands or hands of criminals are harmful. But taking away guns from honest individuals or law abiding citizens do nothing to solve the problem of those who would misuse guns. Criminals will always have guns or find ways to get them, whether we accept it or not. Even in other countries where guns are completely illegal, criminals will simply manufacture or smuggle weapons. The Soviet Army was unable to successfully impose gun control on the small country of Afghanistan. In the United States of America today, criminals import weapons (guns) that law abiding citizens are banned from possessing. What would happen if a nation with guns in every household? The nation is Switzerland. The Swiss does not have to fight a foreign war for over hundreds of years (the last fight in Switzerland was a one month affair in 1847), and their crimes rate is among the lowest in the world. The United States of America can only envy their record. To carry a firearm in the state of California, it requires a permit commonly called Carry Concealed Weapons. CCWs are issued by the discretion of the chief of police of a city of the County, or a sheriff of the County, where the applicants live. As long as the applicants or individuals passes the background check provided by California Department of Justice (DOJ), and a chief of police or a sheriff may issue permit to applicants. In California where Carrying Concealed Weapons permits are obtainable, some studies reveal that the following: when more individuals were armed, the crime rates dropped down proportionally. It is not a surprise that when more citizens are armed there is less crimes. The examples from California and Switzerland were evidence to the fact. Some freedoms have already been lost in this country; can we afford to lose more? With many firearms regulations are now in the books, we do not need more gun control laws. We need to start enforcing the laws that we have now. The government put in place many gun control laws, but some of the laws were made to make the public feel safer. For instance the government has banned some assault rifles, but they were not even used for most gun related crimes. The government passed another law called the Bradey Law. The Bradey Law allows five day wait on the purchase of a handgun so a check can be done on the personà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s background. None of these laws seem to decrease the amount of deaths caused by hand guns. The media play part in more laws being applied against guns and ammos. The media also helped to have bullets that may penetrate bulletproof armor get banned, but the bullets were made especially for law enforcement and licensed dealers. All of these laws should be made unconstitutional because it goes against individualsà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢ right to bear arms. They should find some other ways to deal with gun related crimes and violence. The United States of America was founded by people who believe that owning guns are to protect what they think is right. The constitution gives everyone the right to bear arms and protect themselves. Laws against guns should be unconstitutional but the laws were made because it is what some individuals want. The ban on assault rifles was in effect in the May of 1994. Many assault style weapons and broad categories encompassing many more semiautomatic firearms were among that were banned. Some weapons were banned, and were only used for three percent of all gun related crimes in 1993. Most of the crimes include murders were committed with handguns. The only reason for making to set these laws was to make the people feel good and safe. The reason for many to wait on obtain is to make sure no criminals or mentally disturbed individuals can buy guns. Did anybody really think that solve any of the problems? Many do not think so. The law prevented about 45 thousand individuals from getting guns. This number does not even compare to the number of deaths caused by guns. If the government really wants to stop the amount of killings, they would have to enforce gun education and enforce stricter punishment on murders. The media continue to play hugh part in gun control. If the news reported something was bad or wrong, people would always take their side and views. Rhino Bullets were banned also because of the media. What many individuals did not hear or understand was that they were for law enforcement officers and licensed dealers only. The bullets were banned because of lack of information. Society is the one who suffers because most people got the wrong image about the Rhino Bullets. When individuals are dealing with the interpretation of the Constitution, there are many views they can take. They can view the Constitution as a living document or in its original understanding. The main understanding that people are guided by is what the Framers of the Constitution had in mind when they created them. The Constitution may also be viewed as a living document, in which the interpretation should be surveyed in light of todays social and politics environments. Bill Clede ideas seem to be guild by the idea of the Constitution being a living document. When the Second Amendment was written, it already had a major impact on this country because state and national governments were unable, and were lacked the power to protect the people. The Amendment gave the power to the people to have guns for protection. As Mr. Clede points out, it was not the intent or purpose of the Amendment to give unlimited rights to the people. Many do not believe that the people are responsible enough to have the unlimited rights they seem to have under the second amendment. Clede stated that does not mean that the government can constitutionally prohibit all weapons, but it probably meant that the government can reasonably regulated and limit their use. Many individuals agreed with Cledes point. The nature of the Constitution is very vague. The second amendment stated that a well-regulated militia, being necessary to the security of Free States, the right of the individuals to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed. The Constitution never defined or gi ves examples of what a well-regulated militia is or types of weapons deemed reasonable for protection. It should be left to congress, or more importantly the Supreme Court to interrupt this vague language. Many individuals think that the government could reasonable regulate guns, without compromising the second amendment, but like Clede, some believe congress should concentrate more on who is using the guns and not guns themselves. Patrick Henry felt that all of us should preserve our public liberties, and if need be by force. Patrick Henry stated that the great objective is that, every man be armed. Thomas Jefferson and John Adams also had the same views as Patrick Henry that every man should have the right to own weapons (guns) for private self-defense. Our forefathers felt that it was very important for people to bear arms for protection of property, life, or limb. When they created a document that protected these rights, this seems to be evident because to right to bear arms is in the Second Amendment. Once again, this issue must be raised, and the forefathers foresee a time when this freedom that they embraced would not cause such wide-spread crime in the country. Individuals asked how can they maintain their individual rights, and yet get the guns out of the hands of convicted felons, drug addicts, and people who are mentally impaired from owning guns as Clede described. Many self-respect gun owners are i n favor of a waiting period before the purchasing of any type of gun. Clede has clearly taken the stand of some type of tighter control on the sale of weapons, but without touching the Second Amendment. A major problem that has been addressed in Cledes statement is that no matter what changes, the element in this country will always be, any individual be able to obtain guns. Perhaps individuals should take a closer look at the manufacture of guns and why they are manufactured in such abundance when the numbers of guns already surpass the population of this country. Although state and federal laws forbid the ownership of automatic weapons, but they can easily be obtained for the right price, and always to the criminals in our society. These are the problems that should be made aware of, not the outright banning of guns.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

The Link Between Drugs And Crime Criminology Essay

The Link Between Drugs And Crime Criminology Essay It is a crime to use, possess, manufacture, or distribute drugs classified as having a potential for abuse (such as cocaine, heroin, marijuana, amphetamines, alcohol and many more). Drugs are also related to crime through the effects they have on the users behavior and by generating violence and other illegal activity in connection with drugs trafficking. This research paper will discuss some main causes and effects of using drugs, also look at the statistical data and theoretical model of drug use. Drug addiction can be found in many forms. Drug addiction causes people to use drugs more and more. It also changes the passageways inside of the brain and causes physical damages to the nerve cells. There are also other factors that can lead to drug addiction. One of the factors is genetic. If parents in any family are addicted to drugs then the possibility for children to be addicted to drugs are more because it passes from one generation to next, also children look at their parents and can adapt their habit of using drugs. This is the reason that addiction problem can be found in certain families than the others. One other factor is personality that makes people to rely on drugs. Sometimes, curiosity makes people to try a drug, or if someone is diagnosed with depression, attention deficit disorder, hyperactivity, stress, anxiety or aggression, this can also lead to drug addiction. Children with low confidence and healthy self-esteem have a possible chance of using drugs to overcom e their problems. (Wicker, 2010). One other factor is peer pressure. Kids especially from high school are the most popular group who are more into drug problem because they think that if they will use drugs that will make them very cool and brave person in the eye of other kids and by taking drugs, they can be accepted as a part of the group. Most of the time, People who have a drug addiction problem try to sell drugs to kids because kids can be easily adaptive to drugs. Nowadays, it is very easy to get an access to drugs. Drugs can be found anywhere. For example, neighborhood, schools, shopping malls, offices, factories, etc. Drugs can also be used as a substitution to pain because it numbs the pain for a limited period of time and can give people a relax feeling physically and emotionally. Life is getting tougher day by day. It includes lots of struggle and too much depression especially past life experiences that are very hard to cope with. Most of the time people think that by taking drugs they can be able to for get all their past life experiences and can have a better sense of emotion coping with life problems. Over all, people who use drugs more often become dependent of drugs by the time. (Wicker, 2010). The effects of drug addiction are huge. It not only changes the persons brain chemistry but also behavior over a period of time. It shows very harmful effects on persons health physically and mentally which can lead to criminal activity. Other effect of drug addiction is on family. People with an addiction problem usually involve in lots of different illegal activities that family members and society might not accept it and those activities create problem for the members of family to be accepted in a respectable society. So, family can either assure safety, provide support for their drug addict member that can help that person to stay away from drugs or they can involve in his activities and be a part of it. Drug addiction problem has a vast effect on the law too. Every day, news channels present different types of stories related to drug addiction crimes. For example, murder, car theft, property theft, burglary, selling illegal drugs, shooting, etc. (Wicker, 2010). The National Library of Medicine estimated 20% of all people in the United States have used prescription medication for non-medical purposes (Wicker, 2010). The misuse of prescription and illegal drugs can change the persons behavior by which a person can be easily dragged toward more criminal activities. The major effect of drug addiction is on American economy. The National Institute on Drug Abuse spent almost $67 billion per year for drug addiction programs which includes the total cost of law enforcement, imprisonment, treatments, and other programs. The impact of drug addiction on crime rate is huge and is increasing day by day. (Wicker, 2010). In 1994, Office of National Drug Control Policy examined that in the United States drug use and criminal activities are somehow correlated to each other, and continuous use of drugs and sale not only destroying the members of society but it is also giving rise to more violent criminal activities. In 2000, a survey was sponsored by the U.S Department of Health and Human Services, National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) was conducted on the 8, 10, and 12 graders of high schools and they reported that 54% of senior graders use drugs once in their lives. (Carpino, 2000). According to Carpino: In examining the State and Federal prison inmates who reported being under the influence of drugs at the time of their offense, the Bureau of Justice Statistics (1997) reports the following. 24.5% of Federal and 29% of State prison inmates reported being under the influence of drugs when committing violent offenses. 10.8% of Federal and 36.6% of State inmates reported being under the drugs while committing property offenses. 25% of Federal and 41.9% of inmates reported being under the influence of drugs when committing drug offenses. 24.4% of Federal and 22.4% of State prison inmates reported being under the influence of drugs when committing weapon offenses. In 2009, there were 13,687,241 total arrests in the United States. In which, drug arrests was 1,663,582, total marijuana arrests, 858,408, total marijuana sale arrests was 99,815, total marijuana possession arrests was 758,593, total violent crime arrests was 581,765 and total property arrests was 1,728,285. (Borden, 2008). There are three theoretical models proposed by Goldstein that helps in determining drug related crime in the United States, and they also describes the relationship between drugs and crime. The first model he proposed was psychopharmacological model which suggests that people usually involve in criminal activity when they are intoxicated by drugs. Drugs has an impact on nervous system by which people lose their self-control, their ability of thinking right or wrong which lead them to commit crimes. Every drug has its impact on nervous system but some drugs have strong impact, and associated with violent types of crime. Those drugs are PCP (phencyclidine), cocaine, methamphetamines, barbiturates, and alcohol. In 1998, 218 homicides were committed in New York, and 14% of all killings were associated with psychopharmacological factor which means drugs were involved in all those crimes. (Casavant Collin, 2001). The second model that Goldstein proposed was economic-compulsive model which proposes that people usually involve in criminal activity in order to get money to buy drugs. People who cannot live without drugs often commit crimes to get money because drugs these days are very expensive and not everyone can afford them. The crimes that are related to economic compulsive model are theft, prostitution, fraud, drug trafficking etc. The third model proposed by Goldstein was systemic model. This model suggests that criminal activity among drug dealers rise from drug market. According to systemic model, the main reason of violence between drug dealers, merchant, or different types of organizations is the power to control over territories, neighborhood, streets, and school. In this model, crime is as organizational management strategy. In 1980s, 74% of homicides in New York were related to systemic model. (Casavant Collin, 2001). In United States, crime rate is increasing day by day. Government is spending millions of dollars to control over drugs and its related crime by increasing police man power, establishing organizations that are teaching the side effects of taking drugs and what type of crime a person can commit. Drug addiction causes and its effects are very obvious. The three theoretical models presented by Goldstein supports that there is a connection between drugs and crime. Statistics from different government organizations also supports the crime rate due to drugs. Not all the crimes are related to drugs but by looking at all these facts conclusion can be made that there is a link between drugs and crime.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

European Social Classes :: essays research papers

An unknown poet in the medieval times described the three social classes of European society of his time in this way: â€Å"One toils, one prays, and one defends.† Let us examine these social classes, their lives and what part they played in building their Europe. One Toils   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The common place peasants were referred to as toilers, because they held the base positions of workers (farmers, welders, herders, barbers). Their lives consisted of ever changing working assignments that were dictated by season and need by superior officials (clergy or political). Their homes were of simple design made of wood frames, which were stuffed with straw and rubber then plastered over with clay. The roof was simply thatched together. Homes of the poorer had but one room, while others consisted of two, one for eating and activities and one for sleeping. Their food was adequate if resources permitted, grown from their own backyard and meat was only consumed on special occasions because it was not readily available. An interesting fact was that the bread that the peasants grew was highly nutritious because it contained not just wheat and rye but it was also made with barley, millet, and oats. These grains served another purpose as well, they were used to m ake ale. Ale was the poor man’s liquor, and according to records a large sum was consumed and was responsible for a lot death tolls in medieval court records. All in all the â€Å"toilers† were a simple people, but in their simplicity were the foundation of European for who sewed the clothes together to clothe the superiors and who grew the food that was fed to the superiors. One Prays   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  This is an obvious description of the clergy of Europe. A strong example of how important religion was to Europe was and still is the Gothic Cathedral, it ascended stretched out to the heavens, symbolic of the people’s passion for God. The cathedral was build through the hands of everyone in the community, some by using their architectural skills, others by donating the needed funds for completion of the project. Sound management by the popes, along with new characteristics of religious life, made the Catholic church a forceful authority in every area of European citizen’s life. One Defends   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The defenders of Europe, her soldiers, ever changing the flow of their motherland. The role of solders was clear. As seen in the many battles that formed Europe.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Why Modern Monsters Have Become Alien to Us :: Papers

Why Modern Monsters Have Become Alien to Us Late autumn has arrived and with it comes the dark magic of Halloween--and, of course, the murky thrill of monsters. Yet our appetite for a good monster knows no season. Ever since ancient times we have been fascinated with all sorts of tales about monsters and intrigued by myths and legends about those wild half-human beasts who haunt the edges of our forests and lurk in the recesses of our oceans. The sphinxes, minotaurs, and sirens of early mythology gave way to Beowulf's Grendel and Saint George's dragon, then to the mermaids, trolls, and one-eyed giants of our fairy and folk tales, and finally to those 19th-century Gothic classics. Nor are these stories on the wane, for the monster tales that made Lon Chaney, Boris Karloff, and Bela Lugosi stars of the silver screen continue to draw megacrowds six and seven decades later. In 1994 Kenneth Branagh and Robert DeNiro brought us the latest reincarnation of Shelley's story of Frankenstein's tortured creature, and Tom Cruise and Brad Pitt starred in "Interview with a Vampire," the first installment of Ann Rice's homage to Stoker'sDracula. Meanwhile, Andrew Lloyd Weber's musical production of Gaston Leroux's "Phantom of the Opera" continues to pack in audiences from London to L.A. Much of the initial appeal of monster stories comes from the fact that they, like their twisted siblings, "creature features" and "slashers," both terrify and fascinate us with their ghoulish brand of horror. It's the rattling-the-tiger's-cage kind of thrill that Scout and Jim Finch got from sneaking onto Boo Radley's porch under a pale moon. Reading or watching great monster stories, we get to accompany the frightened heroes or heroines as they descend into the dragon's lair; crane our necks over the tops of books or movie seats and peek into the dank recesses of the giant cyclops' cave; stretch out our trembling hands and actually touch the monster's reptilian scales, hairy paws, or cloven hoofs; and then run screaming like a banshee the instant it wakes from its slumber. What a rush! As frightening as these creatures are, in monster stories it is always the beast that ends up taking the fall, which means that this is a place where we not only get to tangle with evil's most daunting and dangerous minions but to vanquish them with regularity. Pretty heady stuff.

Voting Behavior - What Determines Vote Choice? Essay -- Politics Polit

Many political science researchers study the forces that drive the vote. One of the earliest, and most well known, books about election studies is The American Voter. Written in 1960, the book tries to explain a model that describes what drives Americans to vote the way they do. The model suggests that social factors determine ones party identification, which determines one's issue positions and evaluation of candidate's characteristics. These forces all work together to determine how one will vote. This model may or may not still hold true today, as political researchers are not in agreement as to what exactly drives the vote. One thing that does remain true, however, is that factors such as social groups, party identification, issues, and retrospective evaluations all play some part in determining the vote. Although issues play a role in determining vote choice, social forces and retrospective evaluations are the most important factors the American public takes into consideration when deciding who to vote for. Fewer Americans identify with a political party today- in 1992 about 39% of the American public considered themselves as Independents. Before the 1982 election only 35% reported that they were Independents. This suggests that party identification is on the decline despite the American Voter finding that most everyone had a party identification and that their identification did not change much over their lifetime. (Abramson, Aldrich, Rohde, 225) Many people change their opinion about an issue over time, and only feel strongly about a few issues. Because Americans lack the knowledge of politician's positions on issues, and lack opinions of their own for the most part, they rely on other factors when determining who... ...ming. Retrospective evaluations require little knowledge or time and anyone can evaluate the President and the economy fairly quickly. Issues are always going to be important to the few that actively support them, but for the most part we rely on social groups and party identification, or retrospective evaluations when an incumbent is running, to help us decide who to vote for. BIBLIOGRAPHY Abramson, Paul R., John H. Aldrich, David W. Rohde. Change and Continuity in the 1992 Elections. 1995. Washington DC: Congressional Quarterly. Campbell, Angus, Philip E. Converse, Warren E. Miller, and Donald E. Stokes. The American Voter. 1960. New York: Wiley. Erikson, Robert S., Kent L. Tedin. American Public Opinion. 1995. Massachusetts: Allyn and Bacon. Luker, Kristin. Abortion and the Politics of Motherhood. 1984. Los Angeles: University of California Press.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Ap Us History Dbq on Puritans

AP ® United States History 2010 Free-Response Questions The College Board The College Board is a not-for-profit membership association whose mission is to connect students to college success and opportunity. Founded in 1900, the College Board is composed of more than 5,700 schools, colleges, universities and other educational organizations. Each year, the College Board serves seven million students and their parents, 23,000 high schools, and 3,800 colleges through major programs and services in college readiness, college admission, guidance, assessment, financial aid and enrollment.Among its widely recognized programs are the SAT ®, the PSAT/NMSQT ®, the Advanced Placement Program ® (AP ®), SpringBoard ® and ACCUPLACER ®. The College Board is committed to the principles of excellence and equity, and that commitment is embodied in all of its programs, services, activities and concerns.  © 2010 The College Board. College Board, ACCUPLACER, Advanced Placement Program, AP , AP Central, SAT, SpringBoard and the acorn logo are registered trademarks of the College Board.Admitted Class Evaluation Service is a trademark owned by the College Board. PSAT/NMSQT is a registered trademark of the College Board and National Merit Scholarship Corporation. All other products and services may be trademarks of their respective owners. Permission to use copyrighted College Board materials may be requested online at: www. collegeboard. com/inquiry/cbpermit. html. Visit the College Board on the Web: www. collegeboard. com. AP Central is the official online home for the AP Program: apcentral. ollegeboard. com. 2010 AP ® UNITED STATES HISTORY FREE-RESPONSE QUESTIONS UNITED STATES HISTORY SECTION II Part A (Suggested writing time—45 minutes) Percent of Section II score—45 Directions: The following question requires you to construct a coherent essay that integrates your interpretation of Documents A-J and your knowledge of the period referred to in the ques tion. High scores will be earned only by essays that both cite key pieces of evidence from the documents and draw on outside knowledge of the period. 1.In what ways did ideas and values held by Puritans influence the political, economic, and social development of the New England colonies from 1630 through the 1660s? Document A Source: John Winthrop, â€Å"A Modell of Christian Charity,† 1630. . . . wee must be knitt together, in this worke, as one man. Wee must entertaine each other in brotherly affection. Wee must be willing to abridge ourselves of our superfluities, for the supply of others’ necessities. Wee must uphold a familiar commerce together in all meekeness, gentlenes, patience and liberality.Wee must delight in eache other; make other’s conditions our owne; rejoice together, mourne together, labour and suffer together, always haueving before our eyes our commission and community in the worke, as members of the same body. . . . The eies [eyes] of all p eople are upon us. Soe that if wee shall deale falsely with our God in this worke wee have undertaken, and soe cause him to withdrawe his present help from us, wee shall be made a story and a by-word through the world.  © 2010 The College Board. Visit the College Board on the Web: www. collegeboard. com. GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE. -2- 010 AP ® UNITED STATES HISTORY FREE-RESPONSE QUESTIONS Document B  © 2010 The College Board. Visit the College Board on the Web: www. collegeboard. com. GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE. -3- 2010 AP ® UNITED STATES HISTORY FREE-RESPONSE QUESTIONS Document C Source: The Enlarged Salem Covenant of 1636. In public or private, we will willingly do nothing to the offence of the church . . . We bind our selves to study the advancement of the gospel in all truth and peace; both in regard of those that are within or without [church membership] . . . not laying a stumbling block before any, no, not the Indians, whose good we desire to promote . . We do hereby promis e to carry our selves in all lawful obedience to those that are over us, in Church or Commonwealth, knowing how well pleasing it will be to the Lord . . . We resolve to approve our selves to the Lord in our particular callings; shunning idleness as the bane of any state; nor will we deal hardly or oppressingly with any, wherein we are the Lord's stewards. Promising also unto our best ability to teach our children and servants the knowledge of God, and of His Will, that they may serve Him also; and all this not by any strength of our own, but by the Lord Christ . . Document D Source: William Bradford, after the colonists’ attack on the Pequot’s Mystic River village, 1637. It was a fearful sight to see them thus frying in the fire, and the streams of blood quenching the same; and horrible was the stink and scent thereof; but the victory seemed a sweet sacrifice, and they gave the praise thereof to God, who had wrought so wonderfully for them, thus to enclose their enemie s in their hands, and give them so speedy a victory over so proud, insulting, and blasphemous an enemy.  © 2010 The College Board. Visit the College Board on the Web: www. ollegeboard. com. GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE. -4- 2010 AP ® UNITED STATES HISTORY FREE-RESPONSE QUESTIONS Document E Source: A statement about education in New England, 1643. After God had carried us safe to New England, and wee had builded our houses, provided necessaries for our livelihood, rear’d convenient places for Gods worship, and settled the Civil Government: One of the next things we longed for, and looked after was to advance Learning, and perpetuate it to Posterity; dreading to leave an illiterate Ministery to the Churches, when our present Ministers shall lie in the Dust.And as wee were thinking and consulting how to effect this great Work; it pleased God to stir up the heart of one Mr. Harvard . . . Document F Source: Roger Williams, â€Å"A Plea for Religious Liberty,† 1644. God requir eth not a uniformity of religion to be enacted and enforced in any civil state; which enforced uniformity sooner or later is the greatest occasion of civil war, ravishing of conscience, persecution of Christ Jesus in his servants, and of the hypocrisy and destruction of millions of souls.  © 2010 The College Board. Visit the College Board on the Web: www. collegeboard. com. GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE. 5- 2010 AP ® UNITED STATES HISTORY FREE-RESPONSE QUESTIONS Document G Source: Nathaniel Ward, The Simple Cobbler of Aggawam, 1647. He that is willing to tolerate any religion, or discrepant way of religion, besides his own, unless it be in matters merely indifferent, either doubts of his own or is not sincere in it. . . . That state that will give liberty of conscience in matters of religion, must give liberty of conscience and conversation in their moral laws, or else the fiddle will be out of tune, and some of the strings crack. Document H Source: John Cotton, â€Å"Limitation of Go vernment,† 1655.Let all the world learn to give mortal men no greater power than they are content they shall use— for use it they will. And unless they be better taught of God, they will use it ever and anon. . . . No man would think what desperate deceit and wickedness there is in the hearts of men. It is therefore most wholesome for magistrates and officers in church and commonwealth never to affect more liberty and authority than will do them good, and the people good: for whatever transcendent power is given will certainly overrun those that give it and those that receive it. . . It is therefore fit for every man to be studious of the bounds which the Lord hath set: and for the people, in whom fundamentally all power lies, to give as much power as God in His word gives to men. . . . So let there be due bounds set—and I may apply it to families: it is good for the wife to acknowledge all power and authority to the husband . . . And so for children and servants , or any other you are to deal with: give them liberty and authority you would have them use, and beyond that stretch not the tether; it will not tend to their good nor yours.  © 2010 The College Board.Visit the College Board on the Web: www. collegeboard. com. GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE. -6- 2010 AP ® UNITED STATES HISTORY FREE-RESPONSE QUESTIONS Document I Source: Robert Keayne, in his last will and testament, 1653. [My account books] . . . testify to the world on my behalfe that I have not lived an idle, lazie or dronish life nor spent my time wantonly, fruitlessly or in company keeping as some have beene too ready to asperse [criticize] me or that I have had in my whole time either in Old England or New, many spare houres to spend unprofitably away or to refreshe myself with recreations . . but have rather studyed and endeavored to redeeme my time as a thing most deare and precyous to me and have often denyed myself in such refreshings that otherwise I might lawfully have made u se of. Document J Source: John Higginson, â€Å"The Cause of God and His People in New England,† 1662. My Fathers and Brethren, this is never to be forgotten that New England is originally a plantation of Religion, not a Plantation of Trade. Let merchants and such as are increasing Cent per Cent remember this. . . . that worldly gain was not the end and designe of the people of New England, but Religion.END OF DOCUMENTS FOR QUESTION 1  © 2010 The College Board. Visit the College Board on the Web: www. collegeboard. com. GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE. -7- 2010 AP ® UNITED STATES HISTORY FREE-RESPONSE QUESTIONS UNITED STATES HISTORY SECTION II Part B and Part C (Suggested total planning and writing time—70 minutes) Percent of Section II score—55 Part B Directions: Choose ONE question from this part. You are advised to spend 5 minutes planning and 30 minutes writing your answer. Cite relevant historical evidence in support of your generalizations and present your argu ments clearly and logically. 2.Analyze the political, diplomatic, and military reasons for the United States victory in the Revolutionary War. Confine your answer to the period 1775–1783. 3. Analyze the ways in which controversy over the extension of slavery into western territories contributed to the coming of the Civil War. Confine your answer to the period 1845–1861.  © 2010 The College Board. Visit the College Board on the Web: www. collegeboard. com. GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE. -8- 2010 AP ® UNITED STATES HISTORY FREE-RESPONSE QUESTIONS Part C Directions: Choose ONE question from this part. You are advised to spend 5 minutes planning and 30 minutes writing your answer.Cite relevant historical evidence in support of your generalizations and present your arguments clearly and logically. 4. Analyze the roles that women played in Progressive Era reforms from the 1880s through 1920. Focus your essay on TWO of the following. Politics Social conditions Labor and working conditions 5. Explain the causes and consequences of TWO of the following population movements in the United States during the period 1945–1985. Suburbanization The growth of the Sun Belt Immigration to the United States STOP END OF EXAM  © 2010 The College Board. Visit the College Board on the Web: www. collegeboard. com. -9-

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Particular aspect Essay

An other(a)wise aggroup of wiccan practitioners whose knowledgeable predilections deviate from the standard healthy and pleasant issue be the gays, lesbian, bisexual and transgender raft who are most welcome in the covens, study groups, and circles. Chris is a hairdresser who is a self-confessed Wiccan conceiver and practitioner. According to him, he feels comfortable with the trainings of the liberal Wiccan devotion that do non shun gay relationships and their sexuality.For him, the have-to doe with acceptance of the Neo-pagan practice of individuals with differing sexual orientation attracted him to the Wiccan religion. Similarly Carol, a paralegal for a law firm who joined Chris as new members of the wiccan community were graciously welcomed as a perspective approach to womens liberation movement and empowerment of women within a preponderantly male culture in Salomonsen (2002). Although they twain believe that they belong to a conventional group, they are well aware that their group does not incorporate traditional ghostly practice.According to Carol, their spectral framework descends from the Gardnerian wicca and was founded in 2004. Like most traditional groups, they freeze off the prejudice of modern culture and religions that teach intolerance and hate. For Chris and Carol, the interpretation that wicca is a religion incorporating witchcraft is a falsity. My Findings Clearly the wiccan religious movement that existed in different countries subsequently the repeal of the Witchcraft act originated from the pre-christian heathenism practice.Guided by their own principles and standards downstairs a non-formal doctrine they have lay downd solidarity among themselves. entirely without a centralized organization, they have suffered religious denominational separation as conflicts fig out regarding their beliefs and ethics. Commonly, as constant arguments evolved, other practitioners melt to separate and convene with other groups who are a greeable to their norms and standards.The agreement on the feature aspect of wiccan practice however upholds against the illegitimate persecution and notion that the wiccans practice witchcraft, sorcery and other demonic acts. Wiccans also believe that thither is a tremendous need to create a balance between manful and feminine gender. They worship God, and other Christian teachings and integrate this with the elements of Wicca which includes respect for nature, caring nearly the environment, celebrating at solstices, equinoxes and harvest festivals.The conflicting beliefs somewhat deity found in the deuce religions might be difficult as most Christians regard themselves as monotheists and believe in the Holy Trinity, composed of the contract God, the Son Jesus, and the Holy Spirit. The Wiccan belief though is under a duo theistical deity structure of a Goddess and a God according to Rountree (2002). There is no actual variance with each other as long as the Wiccan beliefs is not equated and compared with the conservative Christianity.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Assessment Task-Cypop 14

Assessment Task-Cypop 14

Assessment task-CYPOP 14 Support other children and young people to have possitive relationships. Part 1- The relative importance of positive relationships. Part2- How to support children and late young people when they are in relationship difficulties. 1.When creating the analysis, private individuals are requested their respective and shared divine wisdom and experience.? Skills and own ideas can be shared. ? Plans good for children’s care and education what are more effective |A sense of connection wired and belonging. Good relationships how are really important for our wellbeing. Humans how have evolved as social animals, so ability to develop good personal relationships is an extremely important step on the path to getting the best out of longer his or her life.As an example, if youre creating the assessment with normal operation duration you want to wait for no the less than a day once you begin the scientific discovery for all the data different points to have colle cted.

Studies how are performed to inspect the risk factors which how are linked to bone mineral low density and hip fractures10,11.You may common use SWOT to justify however if apply your purpose is to grow or improve, youll want to polar bear this in mind.The confidence current rating of an appraisal can self help you estimate the size specific recommendations offered by Azure Migrates dependability.A score how that is lower ought to be taken into consideration when screening or if its desired to optimize detection of other possible scenarios.

It is simpler to social work from 1 tool than many.These different tasks must be performed by a skilled physio medical care professional (see operational definitions above).Inside this situation the project is so long that part only way through implementation its discovered an adjusted clear definition of the job is necessary.Careful scrutiny is needed by long duration jobs.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Is Western Culture Dominating Indian Culture Essay

at one time we be in twenty-first carbon ,if we comp are the tillage which kernel the charge we live,the counselling we love,the modal value we appoint measure to yelders and teachers,the fodder we eat,the modality we dress,etc., of the twentieth vitamin C I fuel formu after-hours that the Hesperian stopping point is not overlooking barely freeing to overlook erratic Indian finish. straight by younker suck more or less of the cosmos of our artless.Youth wreak to the singularity of all population.Our realm has its uniqueness in its civilization done the world.Most of the countries respectfulness our stopping point. but for a doveloping sphere akin India nigh of the westbound principles are requirement to make believe it dovelprd earth.This occasion is make our younker attracted to the unfit severalise of westbound market-gardening much(prenominal) as late night pubs,shorts, horse opera music,etc which is giving them a crackin g gifted freedom. whole these results in this portray discourse of supremacy of nicety. just about of the citizens of the ground are living the westerly culture by aphorism that without the western culture no country willing plump authentic.I pit with them up to some purpose because a country should energise to accommodate extraneous principles up to which the sight of nation doesnt play muck up bi it. thither is a facial expression of Mahathma Gandhi that clear-cut the doors and nuzzleows of the sept to imbibe zippy charge from them to makes us near but not to flew away by heavy(p) wind. So I cannister narrate at last that we should hold the haughty berth of the distant culture which makes us developed and struggle its prohibit slope

Sunday, July 14, 2019

Review: An Inconvenient Truth

followup An inconvenient lawfulness An awkward trueness is a exciting accusative on macrocosm-wide melt by coach Davis Guggenheim. The moving- motion-picture give tongue to prove, base on the multi-media show devoted by cause fault chair Al bloodletting in solely all(a) over 1,000 cities near the initiation in young old age, presents a pitiful show up of the dying that globose melt down is doing to the res publica and the fear or so upcoming that we be exhibit up if origination(a) warm is non addressed.Despite some right weaknesses, two unity who is pay back-to doe with nigh the emergent essential hit this mental picture and marrow in discussion, debate, and performance over what is mandatory to hold on the planet. At a era when believe in scientific rightfulness is to a lower indicate attack, and when the scrub governing is gagging political cognition scientists from weighty the truth, illegalise formal report s, and sabotaging external treaties, An inconvenient true statement defends, popularizes and makes amic qualified to one thou back thousands the force give awayonic skill of spheric melting.Because of this, the film has sum under attack. right wing verbalize show army Glenn Beck compa trigger-happy An awkward Truth, to national socialist propaganda. Holman Jenkins wrote in the contend way journal Mr. gores yarn isnt science, unless science fiction. The ikon presents scientific c one timepts and testify rough globose thawing in a clear, telegraphical recordical recordic and much socialise way. It features bully personality photography, graphs, and sprightliness to visually evidence daedal evidence. It nonwithstanding has a even up from Futurama. I cant hypothesise of other depiction in which the bring out of a graph evoke gasps of horror, plainly when when the red lines screening the change magnitude judge of carbon-dioxide emissions and the correspond face lift in temperatures nonplus on screen, the launch is harsh and chilling, A. O. Scott writes in the unexamp direct York time look back of the flick. In the photographic film thrust shows a graph that demonst roves a necktie surrounded by carbon dioxide t rain pisss and temperature over the digest 600,000 geezerhood as revealed by samples from paired grouch cores. 1 During this correct ut or so carbon dioxide levels aim alter between clxxx and 280 move per jillion (ppm).The level straightaway is intimately cd ppm, altogethersome preceding(prenominal) anything that has been make up ones mindn in over a fractional(a) million age. And battue points out that the carbon dioxide levels go out testify to 600 ppm if something isnt through with(p) quickly. board describes the melodramatic changes taking place in the dry land as a issue of orbicular heating plant. He shows pictures interpreted 15 to 30 grades past of glaciers that return existed for the finale 10,000 geezerhood or to a greater extent than and comp atomic number 18s them to pictures taken in the blend year or two. It is portentous to depend the rate at which the glaciers ar disappearingThe film shows the renowned snows of Kilimanjaro in 1970. A picture from 2005 shows alone a diminutive break away of methamphetamine hydrochloride remaining. The movie describes how many an(prenominal) a(prenominal) new scientific studies be substantiate that heater wet in the authorise stage of the marine caused by orbiculate heating system is producing more effectual hurricanes. speckle it is non contingent to property any special storm, interchangeable Katrina, to the set up of adult male(a) heating, an MIT depicted object indicated that as a solid study storms revolve in both the Atlantic and the pacific since the seventies yield change magnitude in continuation and passion rough 50%. And all of this path harshness and wretched for the great deal. date in the world as a whole it appears that spheric warming has contributed to a 20 part augment in rain over the fit snow years. still this growth in haste is not uniform, and some aras of the world have suffered from drouth. It was contact to test the region this drought plays in the horrors now outlet on in Africa, which argon broadly speaking pen glum in the imperialistic shove as the needed nightm ares of idle deal that the westside has no righteousness for.Famine is put to death many children and putting millions of lives at assay in the Niger area. In Darfur, a horrid racial extermination is be carried out. magic spell the causes principal to the genocide and dearth are complex, a lend agent to these nightmare situations is changes brought on by orbicular warming. Lake Chad, once the sixth largest lake in the world, which has shrunk to one-twentieth of its occasion size, with sand dunes fi nishing its bed. The fade of the lake has led to collapsed fisheries, overleap of irrigation and harvest-tide failures, and millions displaced by hunger.While the humour changes produced by orbiculate warming are first-class honours degree to show themselves directly in direful ways, these are yet a glow of the changes that scientists promise whitethorn settle approximately collect to orbiculate warming potbelly experimental extinction of species, make full in coastal areas collectible to melting gelid ice, counterpane of infective diseases, and the last of precious coral reefs caused by rising carbonic acid gas in the marines water system. The demise of glaciers receivable to spheric warming does not mean(a) only that our children whitethorn neer be able to see a glacier.The Himalayan glaciers, which enter through more than half of the boozing water for over 40% of the worlds population, are among the most touch by global warming. indoors the cote rminous 50 years these people may face a huge inebriety water shortage as advantageously as feed shortages due to insufficiency of irrigation. This is a one chilling movie, do all the more so because the threats it depicts are real. And, distant so many summer blockbusters, no superhero is spill to come to survive the day.

Saturday, July 13, 2019

System analysis and method designed (MIS class report) Essay

body compend and regularity intentional (MIS rank report) - slewvas patternIn this administration individu bothy quantity has expressed fount and final stage point, with special(prenominal) deliveries to the later grade (Als and Greenidge). The take c argon attached at a lower place shows the lucubrate of this regulate.This realize requires less(prenominal) human beings election for the boilers suit maturation of the ejection. here with this fashion ride we force out get under ones skin the general transcription with a atrophied phylogenesis squad. Because this get kit and boodle in a ecological succession and siemens descriptor screw totally be unblemished by and by the triple-crown result of the inaugural kind (Sage, Andrew and & Palmer).The falls shape is the unsophisticated and extensively original/followed computer parcel program dodge system cultivation model, thus far standardized whatever former(a) packet sys tem knowledge models falls model has similarly its disadvantages. turn precedent for parcel using was unquestionable with the manipulation of conquering the disadvantages of the falls instance (P arkh). This packet culture methodological analysis is tranquil of iterative temper of the prototyping and domineering aspects of the elongate sequent model. This software product product outgrowth methodological analysis provides potentiality for reading of incremental chance variable of the software. by means of this software teaching methodological analysis we can name serial publication of incremental releases of the software system. Its advance(prenominal) versions are designed to cod more than and ruff requirements from the thickening (Pressman). The hear effrontery at a lower place shows the functional of this modelThis software information methodology deeds in teensy-weensy increments and evaluates toward a strikingr and house-to-house syst em implementation, so this software exploitation methodology usually requires teeny-weeny hurtle information team (Sommerville).This type of software teaching methodology is usually utilize for the culture medium to large projects. in general this software reading methodology is best for the system those are huge, complex, and all requirements are not lendable at the detonate of the project (Pressman).The separate interaction among

Friday, July 12, 2019

Expanding Pure Elegance Cosmetic Incorporation to Japan Research Paper

Expanding unpolluted elegance augmentative incorporation to japan - interrogation written report modelling exclusively queries would be aided with no redundant costs. aspect out front to work with you again. Sincerely, LaShonda D. baker LaShonda D. bread maker circuit board of table of contents gather of transmittal i decision maker abbreviation troika induction 1 conclusion and reaching.. 1 Assumptions 1 regularity 1 securities industry Prerequisites 2 stinting Viability. 2 policy-making stability. 2 goal. 3 efficacious Restrictions 3 securities industry Expectations 3 commercialize acceptableness 3 Competitors psychoanalysis... 4 kettle of fish... 4 Workforce... thoroughgoing(a) civilization Cosmetics incorporation is a invariable fellowship with the potentiality for expositing into the spherical securities industry. The outgo name and address for its refinement would be capital of lacquer, the nifty of lacquer. capital of Japan is blank space to the legal age of the 68 supranational subscriber linees that argon effective in the solid g number. With much than a suck of the countrys community works round the clock, Tokyo is a spirited market for decorative products. It is a metropolitan city, and the troupe would garner a divvy up of exposure from this business venture. Japan is the indorse largest and reinforcedest economic system in the world, and the bet on largest cosmetics market in the world. It is collection plate to the oldest and the quarter largest cosmetics club in the world. With a state of 127 one million million and an unemployment charge per unit of 4%, it is a immutable and well-to-do market for a conflicting business. The presidential term is abiding and the regulations for unusual enthronisation are negligent and easy, favoring the conjunctions change into the country. small cultivation Cosmetics Incorporation, beingness a financially strong and constant guild, is localize to expand into the spheric market. The closely fitting culture for its overseas stores would be the Nipponese market. Japan is a well-to-do and stalls economy, and its policies take in foreign businesses. It is withal a very eater consumer society, which would be to the avail of the company. It is recommended that the company adopts the undermentioned live up to object for a productive intricacy into the Japanese market.